Full Episodes


Episode 11

Biden’s Folly:

The Fall of Kabul

In this special report, we explore the latest folly of the Biden Administration: The Fall of Kabul to The Taliban. What’s next for this blundering administration? Is there any possible explanation? What steps can we make to hold them accountable?


Episode 10

Texas Democrats Flee the State!

Original Premier Date: 7/19/21

Texas House Democrats flee the state to avoid doing their jobs!  Why did this happen?  Is it even legal?  What consequences, if any, await them upon their return? Join me as I take a closer look into Voter ID, Texas Lawmaking, and much more!


Episode 9

The New Cuban Revolution

Original Premier Date 7/14/21

Viva Revolucion! The Cuban people have taken to the streets to demand the end of communism in Cuba! What drove them to this? How long has this been going on? Is America headed in the same direction?


Episode 8

Independence Day Special

Original Premier Date 7/4/21

Today we celebrate our great nation’s 245th birthday! We take a look at the circumstances surrounding the signing of The Declaration of Independence, the similarities between 1776 and 2021, as well as a closer look at the surge of patriotism happening in our country today


Episode 7

How “Woke” is Disney?

Original Premier Date 6/21/21

In this episode, we take a deep dive into the Disney Corporation to find out if it has always been the epitome of liberalism. Has the company that was founded by one of the greatest entrepreneurs of all time lost it’s way? Is there any core conservative values left?


Episode 6A

Can California Be Saved?

Original Premier Date 6/14/21

In this episode, we take a closer look into the new home of “The Freedom Hub.” Is California worth saving from it’s liberal captors? Do the people even want it to be saved? Does “The American Dream” still exist on the west coast?


Episode 5A

A Joe Biden Rant

Original Premier Date 3/15/21

Pretty self explanatory. What is the Former Vice President’s plan to unify the country? What does he hope to accomplish? His entire political platform was based on the fact that he was not President Trump, so… what now?


Episode 4A

Reopening America

Original Premier Date 3/8/21

In this episode, we take a look at the reopening of America as we enter a “Post-COVID” era and move towards a path to normalcy. Which states are leading the charge? If it’s about science, then why do the sanctions/mandates differ from state to state? Aren’t we all Americans? Aren’t we all humans?


Episode 3A

Cancel Culture

Original Premier Date 3/1/21

Removal of things that are deemed harmful to society is just fine, but who gets to decide what’s good and what’s bad? How far is “too far”? If social media companies hold all the cards, who keeps them in check?


Episode 2A

The Texas Energy Crisis

Original Premier Date 2/22/21

In this episode, we dive into the snow storm that crippled the great state of Texas at the beginning of 2021. How did it happen? Who is to blame? Is there a solution so that it doesn’t happen again?


Episode 2: Revisited

PC Culture

Original Premier Date 3/19/21

We revisit the original episode and dive into PC Culture. Now that the liberals have won the election, what are they going after next? Sports teams? Comedians? Who is really behind all of this? The people that are directly affected, or other people who are “offended on their behalf”?


Episode 1A

The 1776 Commission

Original Premier Date 2/15/21

In our “premier” episode, we talk about The 1776 Commission, the eventual 1776 Report, and why it was so dangerous that Former Vice President Biden had to ban it on his first day via Executive Order.


Episode 1: Revisited Lockdowns

Original Air Date 3/5/21

In this episode, we revisit the long lost “Episode 1: Lockdowns.” Were the lockdowns effective? Will America ever recover from the economic devastation that the Liberal Governors imposed upon their people? Did they even have the right to do that?